Crossfire Wiki
Tutorial Mapicon

Training Camp is a map that only playable on the tutorial where you learn the basics in CrossFire.


The map is divided into 4 sections. The starting area has a few target practices for look-around training. To the right side is a course with barricades and laders for navigating training. After jumping out of a window, players arrive at the Weapon Training area where they can practice melee and basic gun training with the target practices. The last section serves as Grenade training with a few building to throw grenades into. After completing this section, players will be sent back to the lobby.

Training Camp usually last in 10 minutes. Player is freely doing anything whatever he/she wants.

Training Course 2.0[]

The Training Camp has been improved to make it more appealing to newbie players. These includes:

  • Players can now use their own characters instead of being stuck with default BL SWAT.
  • Actual Melee training, with 3 GR stationary target that players need to kill instead of just practice board.
  • Shooting Range comes with 5 different weapons: Thompson, Dual Uzi-Gradation, AK47-Knife Ares, M4A1-Silencer and Desert Eagle on their perspective distance range. When player steps on the shooting range, the current weapon will automatically discard and picked up a new ones.
  • In Grenade throwing practice, it has 8 GR stationary target standing between inside and outside of targeting house area that players need to kill only by grenade. Any soldiers dies in grenade explosion will finish the training.


  • There are some hidden pictures in this map. The example of this was a room that contains 3 CrossFire Pictures where the SPOP Character was included.
  • Some hacks allows this map to be used in Search and Destroy Mode and Team Death Match Mode. In both mode, GR and BL spawn next to each other at the starting point. In S&D, there is no invincibility timer, so both side can turn around and see who pulls the trigger first.
    • Playing Training Camp in S&D mode is a very good way to farm EXP. Since the round often ends in only five seconds, a 13 rounds match can end in less than 5 minutes, thus allowing you to earn a lot of EXP in a short time.
  • When you finished the first basic tutorial, it will give you an amount of EXP and GP as a reward only for Trainee up to Corporal only.
  • Once you finished the tutorial, you'll automatically receive a Beginner Mission.
  • Players can freely glitch in this map (usually by underneath in the boxes or by map), prior being fixed in a latter patch. If soldier dies, it won't be respawn leaving a camera in being stuck outside map geometry while now deceased soldier body with indefinetely sink will no longer appear.
    • Players can also go behind obstacles simply: instead crouching in narrow spaces, there is a small gap of boxes if footstep fits enough. To do this, player must passed in a first quater training to minimize the warning buzzer sound purposely for a soldier who are out of training area.
  • Players can have endlessly Grenade and reappears on the hand after being thrown. Player is completely immune any damage, so it's impossible to grenade suicide. Heartbeat sound effect still can be heard, however.
  • After CrossFire 3.0 update, this map becomes unavailable, so newly created account simply directly to lobby room upon entering server room.
  • Once you entered the training camp, you'll automatically play on the BL side regardless what main character used (including VVIP characters); on GR side will remain idle until you score kill with specified-type weapon. Furious Kick disallowed in this map.
  • This is the only map has automatically weapon discard, so playerd can optional tap "G" if desired only in few proximity distance.


